While this is only a guest appearance, it does put a bit of a damper on the rumors that Alexander left Miami because of problems with co-star David Caruso. If the rumors are indeed true, it's possible that Alexander agreed to return under specific conditions (aka: No scenes with Caruso). However, it's highly unlikely that she would want to return at all if things were bad enough a year ago to cause her to want to leave the program.
The supposed trouble in paradise between Alexander and Caruso has been one of Vixen's favorite rumors. Once again, there's video to dispute.
Isn't it ironic? Vix will ramble on about how poor of an actor Caruso is, and yet when video evidence of Caruso and Procter (or Alexander in this case) is given showing them clearly getting along, she claims they're just playing to the cameras. If that's the case, then their acting is obviously good enough to fool everyone else.
It's a lose/lose situation for our favorite Diva. If Caruso and Alexander ARE acting, then it proves that he's a better actor than she'd like to credit him for being. If they're NOT acting and are, in all actuality, getting along just fine, well then, we all know what that means.
Sorry, Vixie. Better luck next time.