Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sock it to M.E.

Good news for fans of former CSI: Miami character Dr. Alexx Woods and the acress who portrays her, Khandi Alexander.  It appears that in this season's 14th episode, entitled "Smoke Gets in Your CSIs," viewers will be treated to a return of the compassionate (if sometimes unusual) Medical Examiner.  

While this is only a guest appearance, it does put a bit of a damper on the rumors that Alexander left Miami because of problems with co-star David Caruso.  If the rumors are indeed true, it's possible that Alexander agreed to return under specific conditions (aka: No scenes with Caruso).  However, it's highly unlikely that she would want to return at all if things were bad enough a year ago to cause her to want to leave the program.

The supposed trouble in paradise between Alexander and Caruso has been one of Vixen's favorite rumors.  Once again, there's video to dispute.

Isn't it ironic?  Vix will ramble on about how poor of an actor Caruso is, and yet when video evidence of Caruso and Procter (or Alexander in this case) is given showing them clearly getting along, she claims they're just playing to the cameras.  If that's the case, then their acting is obviously good enough to fool everyone else.  

It's a lose/lose situation for our favorite Diva.  If Caruso and Alexander ARE acting, then it proves that he's a better actor than she'd like to credit him for being.  If they're NOT acting and are, in all actuality, getting along just fine, well then, we all know what that means.  

Sorry, Vixie.  Better luck next time. 


Anonymous said...

So, Khanid returns for one or two episodes and THIS IS THE PROOF that there are NO TROUBLES between them? This is the PROOF that she didn't leave because she had problems with Caruso - like insiders hinted?
Oh my, fan-logic at its worst. Some of you must indeed be living in la-la-land. So sweet.
No, sorry, you have to find a better reason to make those rumors go away.
Sorry, fangirl. Better luck next time.

Caruso's bad reputation sticks like glue. Nothing you say or swoon about can change that.

Wanna bet when the next alibi-scene between diva Caruso and sweet Emily Procter will be shown? In epsiode 24?

Anonymous said...

So their ACTING in front of the camera is PROOF that they get along?

ROFLMAO - not only me but a lot of other people do...
WQell, what can I say - silly fangirl-logic..LOL

ehmalo01 said...

Ooops! Sorry, Vix. H and Calleigh had ANOTHER scene together. Not in episode 24. In episode 11. It must burn you up.

Anonymous said...

You mean that 65 seconds alibi-scene - with everybody in safe distance to each other? Caruso and Procter not even glancing at each other.
Oh my, fangirl - everything to cling to the hope that they get along.Fangirls' world where reality is not an option.
Caruso has a bad reputation to boot and it sticks like glue - I like it. Poetic justice.

Anonymous said...

Says WHO? YOU? You have proof or is it just wishful thinking?
Douche Caruso and professionalism?
Do pigs fly?

So Procter is the diva and Caruso not? Laughable. Again, I would love to see the proof the Procter is the bad one and not - like many people say - douche Caruso who has the reputation of being difficult and demanding.
I like it when fangirls get all delusional. Fangirls - reality is not an option.

Anonymous said...

...tink, you really should take your meds...and spare the world from one of your nonsensical rants. LOL. Nobody will miss them anyway.

Cole said...
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Anonymous said...

Likewise, Crazy Lacy

Anonymous said...

And Crazy Lacy? Where are the links? Looks like something you made up to get at least a a bit of attention.
Need new meds?

Anonymous said...

Oh Crazy, it didn't come through...because it doesn't exist. Simple. No link no proof. Besides, what is your point? That you are crazy? We all know that. One justr has to read yoru ramblings.

....have no reason to lie or make up this story...

You don't? What about getting some much needed attention, crazy? Just like the non-existent Family Friend who allegedly spills the goodies. Well, that was a real knee-slapper for the girls and me.
BTW crazy, did you find out who GIRL is? Did she report back to you? Did she take your offer? LOL.
So easy....

BTW WHo is heidi? One of your alter egos, crazy?

Anonymous said...

WRONG again, Crazy. But that is nothing new. Must be the meds you have to take.
A good friend of mine - one of the ladies . Now it is for you to find out WHO it is, crazy tinker. I will tell her that her "syntax gave her away" which undoubtedly will be another knee-slapper - thought it would be a lot of fun to get the better of the bipolar freak. And we did!
So easy....oh my.
"You are welcome here!" Oh my, doesn't that sound soooo desperate! LOL
So the FF exists, huh? In your drug-fogged mind, crazy. In your drug-fogged mind.
straitjacket, huh? You have experience with that, crazy? With your history of mental-illnessand and the alleged abuse..LOL

Anonymous said...

I agree. Double Yawn - Especially if on has to read crazy tinkers' rants... what a freak..LOL

Anonymous said...

...says crazy tinker ther bipolar freak....

Come crazy tinker, take your meds already and you may sound LUCID for a change. That would be a huge improvement...and would make you less boring *yawn* *yawn* *yawn*


ehmalo01 said...

Vix, insult me all you like, but from now on, if I catch you making personal 'digs' at anyone else, your comment will be deleted.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Of course, I posted that. I just noticed that I had made some more or less avoidable errors and reposted it.
What is your pointt? What is your problem - except of being mentally ill?
Boy, you really need the attention do you?
Because you can't come up with a good response like a sane person would you copy something I deleted - I have no problem with that - and post it.
You really need to take your meds, crazy tinker.

ehmalo01 said...

I don't write for anyone and I don't care if anyone reads it.

That being said, YOU apparently read the "crap" I write. What does that say about you?

As for the spelling, it's not my fault that you make so many mistakes. Whether Lacy "deserves" correct spelling or not is not the issue. It's the fact that the more and more you post, the worse your spelling gets. It's a trend, and I happen to find it amusing.

Lacy holds her own against you quite nicely. It's pathetic, though, that you can't seem to create an argument without name-calling. I dare you to try and formulate an argument without it. Somehow, I don't think you're capable.

Did you know: You have called RED a "fansize" TWICE now? Please enlighten us all. What the bloody hell is a "fansize"?

Anonymous said...

Well fangirl - spelling doesn't really matter - especially if I am in company of a fangirl and bipolar freak.
Anyway - as always things work both ways: Do you really have to write crap like that? What does that say about YOU, fangirl?

ehmalo01 said...

What is says about me is that I have different taste than you.

And copying and pasting my responses to you and adding "it works both ways, fangirl" is a pretty weak comeback. Try to come up with something new and original. You will look far more intelligent if you.

Anonymous said...

...a "fansize" TWICE....

I did?
WHERE, fangirl ? When?
Prove it fangirl.

Anonymous said...

Try to come up with something new and original.

Likewise. You will look far more intelligent if you do fangirl.

Bipolar freak agrees with you. Aren't you proud to have a mentally ill fan?

ehmalo01 said...

I'm honored to have Lacy as a reader, Bipolar or not.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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ehmalo01 said...

Here's your proof, Vix. Last line. Note the word: Fansize.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Reposted to give crazy tinker something to write about:

Well, crazy tinker - if you don't know what a loan words is - alleged diploma or not - you better look it up in the dictionary. Even mentally ill people like you should have a dicitionary at home. Keeps you from making a complete fool of yourself.

I have the diplomas to back it up....

What? That you are a mentally ill? You need a diploma for that? Don't worry honey everybody who reads your crap/hallucinations knows that you are a complete nutcase. No diploma needed.
It us offical - Crazy Lacy is mentally ill - not that there was ever a doubt...LOL

And re: your opinion about the great article - opinions are like assholes - everybody has one - even mentally ill people like you.

Anonymous said...

HUH? What? WHERE is the image?
The link leads to nothing. Just as I have thought.

If you make allegations you better back them up. Makes you look less foolish.

ehmalo01 said...

Vix, you clearly are ignorant about what Bipolar disorder truly is. You think someone is 'crazy' because they're bipolar. Not true.

For your education and enlightenment, I'll show you a list of people who have lived their lives with Bipolar Disorder. I think each of them managed just fine.

Ned Beatty
Jeremy Brett
Jim Carey
Rosemary Clooney
Robert Downey Jr.
Patty Duke
Carrie Fisher
Connie Francis
Margot Kidder
Vivien Leigh
Burgess Meredith
Ben Stiller
Tracy Ullman
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Robin Williams
Ludwig Von Beethoven
Tim Burton
Francis Ford Coppola
George Fredrick Handel
Vincent Van Gogh
Gustav Mahler
Robert Schumann
Robert Campeau
Ted Turner
Buzz Aldrin
Larry Flynt
Phil Graham
Peter Gabriel
Jimi Hendrix
Tom Waits
Brian Wilson
Winston Churchill
Theodore Roosevelt
Honors de Balzac
Patricia Cornwell
Johann Goethe
Edgar Allen Poe
Theodore Roethke
Mark Twain
Virginia Woolf

Anonymous said...

Honey, I don't care who of this people is bipolar or not.
Mentally ill is mentally ill - no matter under which cloak one tries to hide it.
However, crazy tinkers statement that being bipolar is not a mental illness proves to be a knee-slapper!Thank you!

ehmalo01 said...

Vix, sweetheart, the reason the link doesn't work is because you typed it incorrectly. You forgot to add .jpg at the end. Try it again, and remember to say to yourself, "I think I can, I think I can..."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh my. Crazy Lacy finally admits she is mentally ill. Not that there ever was a doubt.