Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Viva la Diva

Last season it was "portalphobia".  

This season it's irreconcilable differences between David Caruso and Emily Procter.  

Recently, Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello, the same 'journalist' (and I use that term lightly) who is responsible for the portalphobia blunder, reported that tension on the set of CSI: Miami between stars Caruso and Procter had reached a boiling point.  Supposedly the reason no scenes between Calleigh (Procter) and Horatio (Caruso) had been seen so far in Season 7 was because Emily was no longer willing to deal with David's "diva antics" on set.  

That argument imploded last night.

During the show's 150th episode, 'Gone Baby Gone', Caruso and Procter shared a crucial scene.  Is it possible that there are problems between the two actors?  Of course.  Is there any reason to believe that the blame lies solely on Caruso's shoulders?  None whatsoever.  

Our favorite internet Diva (aka Vixen) has run with Ausiello's column, spouting is as the gospel truth.  Interesting how the only sites that seem to be paying any attention to this rumor are ones on which Vixen (or one of her multitudes of aliases) posts her rants.  That alone should be evidence enough.  If there was truth (even the slightest bit) to this supposed rift, wouldn't it be getting airtime and ink on tv and magazines?  

If the scene from last night isn't enough, check out the videos CBS and ET posted of the CSI: Miami cast celebrating their 150th episode.  Caruso and Procter are front and center for the cake cutting.  Somehow Vixen manages to see discomfort between the two.  This blogger wonders what video Vixen's been watching.  But don't take anyone's word for it.  Click here and here to decide for yourself.

The evidence, or lack thereof, speaks for itself.

Blogger's note: It's only fair to post a link to the article.  Doing otherwise would make it seem as though there was something to hide.  Have at it.


Anonymous said...

Just because they have one short (alibi?)scene together (after almost one year without one) and just because they play to the cameras for a PR-cake-cutting there are no problems between them?
Oh my,some fan-logic.

No one expect them to quarrel
in public.
Nothing imploded. On the contrary. The "harmony" which appeared a tad forced gave credence toAusiello's blind item who is more believable than 50 seconds of cake-cutting or ONE short scene.

Defense failed.

ehmalo01 said...

Hello, Vixie. I wondered how long it would take you to 'find' me. No, it's not been a year since they last had a scene together. "Going Ballistic" anyone? They certainly shared a scened in that episode, the finale of season 6. Hardly a year ago.

The defense rests.

Anonymous said...

That makes 8 episodes. To little to make the rumor go away.
Well, the three minutes when Procter gave HoCaine a sheet of paper? Oh my. Well, we have to wait and see when the other alibi scene between the two who don't get along will be written .
In episode 20?

ehmalo01 said...

I guess H and Calleigh would have to have a bedroom seen in order to satiate you (you might need your dictionary for that one).

Personally, who cares if there's a rift between them? The show will go on regardless. There is no proof that Khandi left the show because of David. Just lots of gossipy rumors.

Isn't it funny that these 'reports' of David's backstage 'antics' never come from verifiable sources. Always just 'an insider' or 'a source', etc. If someone will stand up (NOT anonymously) and cry foul, then I'll listen. But not until then. Anonymous sources are bunk.

Anonymous said...

Seen? You have a spell-checker?

Who cares? asks the fangirl.

Ahh, there it is. If fangirl can't deal with anything than they just shrugg it off. I like it.
Caruso and Procter don't get along that's more than obvious.
Understandable that lovely Procter had enough of Caruso and his diva-antics. I pity anyone who had the bad luck to work with that piece of shit Caruso.

Thank God for anonymus sources who kiss and tell. Nothing like a good piece of gossip.

Fanpages are bunk. Especially yours. Works both ways.LOL

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Crazy Lacy has a Family Friend who spills some goodies ....

Really? Em does? And then she writes inane shit like this instead of kiss and tell?
Besides does this alleged family friend exist or is it only a figment of your brain?
Poor lonley bibpolar freak in desperate need of some attention.
Because If this family friend really would exist you would share it with the world. Since this person doesn't exist you have to make it up to get at least a little bit of attention.
Do you need a change of meds, tink?
Looks like! LOL

I like it how you mention Christmas in ever post. So sweet - cry me a river. Does anyone care?

ehmalo01 said...

"in every post," Vix?

Spell check, what?

Anonymous said...

Oh Vix, if only someone WOULD cry you a river...purely so you'd drown in it of course.

Anonymous said...

Spell check, what?

Running out of arguments, fangirl? Not that you ever had anything worthwhile to say to begin with! LOL.

ehmalo01 said...

Oooh. Buuuurn. Good one, Vixie. That's about as good a comeback as "Your mom".

Anonymous said...

Oooh. Buuuurn. Good one, fangirl.
That's about as good a comeback as "Your mom".

I like it when things work BOTH ways. LOL .