Friday, February 20, 2009

Until the Fat Lady Sings...

We've all heard the common phrase, "It's not over 'til the fat lady sings."  Well, friends, the fat lady has sung her last.  

Heidimarie Schnitzer (aka Vixen, Cole, etc) has finally been taken into custody in Tijuana.  For those who are wondering, this is the same Vixen with whom I had many an argument (several of which are visible in the comments on different posts).  I won't go into all of the details.  Everything you need to know is available through other sites, namely The Stalker Chronicles--the site dedicated to bringing Heidimarie to justice.  It's also the site that is to be given SO much credit (and gratitude).  

Sara has done fantastic work over the years.  I hope she is adequately thanked (though, I don't know if that's possible).  THANK-YOU to Sara and to all who were involved in making this day possible.  

What a joyful day this must be for David and his family.  This day has been long in coming.  I sincerely hope that his life can return to what it was before hand.  

Congratulations David.


Yahoo News:  

Sara's Blog: 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

David iTelevises. Do you?

Looks like Lexicon Digital is making good on its promises to go public in 2009. At the CES convention in Las Vegas in January, 2008, David, Nils and Frank told experts, reporters, fans, and the like that Lexicon would hopefully be ready by "this time next year". Well, that time has arrived and we've now got something to see.

It's called...drumroll, please...
Here's the link for the video advertising for iTelevise and featuring David.

Talk about a kick in the teeth for skeptics. Yes, I know, people will say that it isn't proven yet, and that it could still bomb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before.

My advice to the doubters is to shut up before you look even more stupid.