Looks like Lexicon Digital is making good on its promises to go public in 2009. At the CES convention in Las Vegas in January, 2008, David, Nils and Frank told experts, reporters, fans, and the like that Lexicon would hopefully be ready by "this time next year". Well, that time has arrived and we've now got something to see.
It's called...drumroll, please...
Talk about a kick in the teeth for skeptics. Yes, I know, people will say that it isn't proven yet, and that it could still bomb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before.
My advice to the doubters is to shut up before you look even more stupid.
Like you said....it still can bomb and most likely will...like most of the things Caruso did.
So WHO is looking stupid??LOL
Are you sure iTelevise is a product of LexiconDigital?
http://www.itelevise.com/ (@2002)
Based on this image, I'm going to say that yes, iTelevise is a product of LDC.
Based on the above mentioned websites that have iTelevise already trademarked at an earlier date I doubt that. But let's wait and see. The video looks like a cheap TV-advertising-spot to me.
And as far as the success of this product is concerned - if it really turns out to be something LexiconDigital has developed -Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Success never is certainty especially when someone like Caruso is involved.
You still cannot control your out-bursts. Eh, Mrs Schnitzer? Do you really think, such attacks, will draw Mr Caruso to you? Oops, I forgot, you lost your mind...
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